
Ashley Herring Blake

  • Gabriela Carrillohas quotedlast year
    “It’s a storm in a teacup,” Delilah said.

    Ruby furrowed her brow. “Huh?”

    Delilah laughed. “It’s an old phrase. It means . . . making a big deal out of something small. I got it to remind myself to have some perspective. That, most times, things aren’t as devastating as they might feel at first.”
  • Gabriela Carrillohas quotedlast year
    “Oh, I don’t know. You’re a nice person. Nice people ask questions sometimes just because they think they should, not because they really give a shit.”
  • Gabriela Carrillohas quotedlast year
    how much the art you did as a kid—whether it be drawings or photographs or songs—felt like spilling the contents of your heart out into the world. Hell, it still felt like that as a grown-up
  • Gabriela Carrillohas quotedlast year
    My chest hurt too, like it always does when I do something I know isn’t right, like I can’t breathe the right way or something.
  • Gabriela Carrillohas quotedlast year
    what the hell did I really want if it wasn’t him?
  • Gabriela Carrillohas quotedlast year
    what the hell did I really want if it wasn’t him?
  • Gabriela Carrillohas quotedlast year
    “Like you’d follow her to the moon.”
  • yelenahas quoted2 years ago
    A different wish. One where family meant more than awkward encounters and avoided text messages. One where friends meant more than an acquaintance or a colleague or a one-night stand. One where home meant more than a fifth-floor walk-up and IKEA furniture.
  • yelenahas quoted2 years ago
    Not caring was fucking exhausting.
  • yelenahas quoted2 years ago
    She’d spent years perfecting the art of avoidance, of protection, of never letting Astrid see how much Delilah was hurting.
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