“Listen, Kit, there are some people who are trouble. They can’t help it,” she said, watching me in the mirror. “But let them in, and they’ll swallow you whole.”
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
The big surprise came later when I learned the scariest part about sex wasn’t the swell and heave of body parts, its comic grotesquerie, but the shattering intimacy of all of it
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
I’d never seen on Diane before, a smile that was open and wide and pure, one that said, Untouched, please touch, never been touched, dying to be touched, come show me the big, wide world.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
“Men. They can’t hide it. They can’t hide anything.”
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
The longer you’re with someone, the heavier it all is, on top of the heaviness you carry inside yourself. It was too much, taking on all of someone else’s feelings.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
We lived in a preoccupation as complete as that of a dream. —Marie Curie
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
We were matched runners, and she had a will as iron-soldered as her heart. Her blood ran cold and merciless.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
The perversity of woman is so great as to be incredible even to its victims.
Habitante de librohas quoted2 years ago
But why, then, he asked, are women so much more ferocious in their violence? It has always seemed to me that the answer lies in the question.