Joan Smith

  • Usman Najamhas quotedlast month
    In that year a ruling by a seventeenth-century judge, Sir Matthew Hale,
  • Usman Najamhas quotedlast month
    A husband cannot be guilty of a rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife,
  • Usman Najamhas quotedlast month
    they agreed that Hale’s ruling was an ‘anachronistic and offensive’ fiction
  • Usman Najamhas quotedlast month
    which ‘insists that male sexuality is actively antagonistic to women’
  • Usman Najamhas quotedlast month
    We may wish that they endure many hours of brow-beating perplexity in conducting this principle through the courts.1
  • Usman Najamhas quotedlast month
    not so much in the evidence which was given as in the commentaries upon the case’.
  • Usman Najamhas quotedlast month
    indecent boasting about the pleasures they were missing.
  • Usman Najamhas quotedlast month
    but they do not take account of the deeply altered state of affairs at work for men and women: they do not allow for the truth that all places of work which include men and women in roughly equal numbers are hectic cockpits of sexual interest, flirtation, intrigue and scheming, in which women are just as likely
  • Usman Najamhas quotedlast month
    These admonitions seem to be inherently decent and incontestable; but they do not take account of the deeply altered state of affairs at work for men and women: they do not allow for the truth that all places of work which include men and women in roughly equal numbers are hectic cockpits of sexual interest, flirtation, intrigue and scheming, in which women are just as likely as men to make advances and, if they are spurned, to be spiteful in revenge.
  • Usman Najamhas quotedlast month
    Thomas hearings in the ultraconservative Sunday Telegraph, bemoaned the fact that she had not been sexually harassed at work and commended women who use their ‘sex appeal’ to ‘get on in life’
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