bookmate game

Abhishek Kumar

  • jennycuteamarahas quoted2 years ago
    Schedule 2-4 hours every week to focus on your content creation processes
  • jennycuteamarahas quoted2 years ago
    Think about how you would educate them about the unique aspects or qualities of your business; the unique benefits and advantages of your products or services; what problems you help people solve; how you help improve or add value to other people’s lives, why people need your products or services, etc
  • jennycuteamarahas quoted2 years ago
    Ensure that your content reflects the consistency and continuity of your brand. Review your editorial stands periodically to ascertain that the tone and voice of your brand are consistent with the blog persona in general. Are you positioning yourself as a fun, youthful, fresh blog for a younger audience? Are you positioning yourself as an authoritative and serious source of information in your industry?
  • Georgi Andonovhas quoted2 years ago
    Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA)
  • Jennycutehas quoted2 years ago
    The final category includes all promotional posts. All advertisements for products, programs and services. Posts can promote your freebies or other free products; webinars, events, other social media platforms and websites
  • Jennycutehas quoted2 years ago
    Promoting jv partners or affiliates also falls under this category. Promotional posts should be last on your list of priorities as people need to engage with you and know you before they will buy from you.

    It is important to understand
  • Jennycutehas quoted2 years ago
    Using a tool like Meet Edgar or eClincher, where you can automate your postings in each of these categories, can be a great help to keep your content consistent. Gary Vanynerchuck’s book, Jab Jab Jab Right Hook, is also a great read if you are serious about using social media for your content marketing efforts.
  • Jennycutehas quoted2 years ago
    For business to business companies it might be better to make connections on LinkedIn.
  • Jennycutehas quoted2 years ago
    The other thing to take into consideration is the saturation of the market. For instance, Facebook is quite saturated; people are used to ads and don’t get excited over most stuff but YouTube is still very cost effective and Instagram paid advertising is brand new at this stage, so also keep that in mind
  • Jennycutehas quoted2 years ago
    start off by concentrating on two or three of the best platforms for your specific niche
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