Derek Parker

  • Hajer Ladherihas quoted6 months ago
    Mars in ARIES

    Placed in Aries – the sign it rules – Mars is at its most powerful, and a high level of physical energy must be positively employed – perhaps in sport, but certainly in some physically demanding exercise. There is usually no shortage of enthusiasm which can be a positive aid to those with an unassertive Sun-or Moon-sign – but there is a tendency to be so enthusiastic about an idea or a concept that, in their eagerness to push ahead, these people will fail to take in all the details about it, or the instructions they are given. Patience will not be a notable quality unless contributed by some other area of the HOROSCOPE. A tendency to avoid the views, opinions and susceptibilities of others is often marked. Especially in young men and women, a tendency to be accident-prone may lead to a greater than average number of minor accidents – cuts, burns and blows to the head. The selfishness hinted at by Mars in Aries will be all too likely to show up in the love-life; the ‘wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am’ attitude is all too likely to be crystallized here. The tendency to be overeager may lead, embarrassingly, to premature ejaculation in the males, while women with this placing of Aries may find it all too easy to put off a partner less immediately interested in sex than themselves.
  • Hajer Ladherihas quoted6 months ago
    Mars in the FIFTH HOUSE

    An emphasis on the love life will spring from enthusiasm for sex and an emphasis on sexual pleasure, which must be met with equal enthusiasm by a partner if there is to be a successful permanent relationship. The sex life will be fun rather than overintense, though this subject will want to take the lead. There may be an inclination for risk-taking, here as elsewhere; and an enjoyment of gambling which will match a natural enthusiasm, often shown in enjoyment of and achievement in sports.
  • Hajer Ladherihas quoted6 months ago
    vivid imagination is encouraged and enhanced with Mercury is in Cancer. This can have advantages and disadvantages. If perhaps because of other influences in the HOROSCOPE, or for some other reason, the imagination is suppressed and not allowed to develop, it can run wild, and will turn inward so that small problems and fears assume disproportionate importance. This is not helped by the fact that the logical side of Mercury is not at its strongest when the planet is in Cancer. Clearly, then, it is important that someone with this placing of Mercury be encouraged to express his or her imagination in some way – and it really does not much matter how: an obvious way is through writing, painting, acting – none of these necessarily as a profession, but used to allow the imagination free range. This will be even more important if Cancer is also the SUN-SIGN, when the tendency to worry will be strengthened (though the quality of the imagination will also be enhanced). With Gemini as the Sun-sign the emotional level will be heightened
  • Hajer Ladherihas quoted6 months ago
    Moon in VIRGO

    From Virgo the Moon will help a person to react to situations logically, practically, and speedily. He or she will be sharp and intelligent in debate, and will check and cross-check every fact before putting forward what will often seem an unanswerable argument. The need to care for and help others will be strong. People with this placing of the Moon often work in nursing or other areas of medicine; they are down-to-earth, sensible and reliable – and the epitome of the successful ward sister who will stand no nonsense from anyone in their determination to see that rules are followed. On the personal side, the emotions may be a touch cool and clinical, which can be a distinct disadvantage in forming a close personal relationship. Extravagance will not be a fault – which can conflict if other areas of the HOROSCOPE suggest it.
  • Hajer Ladherihas quoted6 months ago
    Moon in the ELEVENTH HOUSE

    It is very often the case that those with the Moon in the eleventh house are happiest when involved with others, in a group of those with like interests. The satisfaction and reassurance they gain from this may stem from the fact that they had difficulties in relating to their contemporaries when they were young, feeling themselves in some way to have been ‘outsiders’, and now determined to compensate. A result may be overcompensation, so that other people begin to feel smothered, or too heavily depended upon. Coming to terms with this, and learning not to rely too profoundly on others, is important if independence is not to be sapped
  • Hajer Ladherihas quoted6 months ago
    Neptune in AQUARIUS

    (1998–ca.2010) It is considered that the temperate qualities of Neptune should marry well with the compassionate elements of Aquarius, though the isolated, independent Aquarian traits are foreign to the sensitive, perceptive emotions of Neptune. On a personal level the marriage of the two should not be incompatible.
  • Hajer Ladherihas quoted6 months ago
    Neptune in the FOURTH HOUSE

    This position of Neptune often reflects on the childhood of a subject, which may have been bewildering and confused, generally because home circumstances were chaotic and undisciplined. Not, however, unhappy; the imagination will have been stimulated (particularly perhaps by the mother). There may have been little attempt to instil a moral sense, and some confusion about the difference between right and wrong may take time to resolve.
  • Hajer Ladherihas quoted6 months ago
    dual signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces.
  • Hajer Ladherihas quoted6 months ago
    fall A planet is described as being ‘in fall’ when it is in the sign opposite that of its EXALTATION.
  • Hajer Ladherihas quoted6 months ago
    Hermes A HYPOTHETICAL PLANET said to rule Gemini. In mythology Hermes is identical to the god Mercury
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