Elizabeth Acevedo

Elizabeth Acevedo is the daughter of Dominican immigrants. The Poet X is her debut novel. She lives with her partner in Washington, DC. Find her online at www.acevedowrites.com.




Eugeniahas quotedlast year
A truth
you did not want
to know
can rot & grow mold
in the pit
of your stomach,
can sour
every taste
you’ve ever had,
can cast a stench
so bad you forget
you’ve ever known
a sweet thing.
Ximena Ahuactzin Floreshas quoted2 years ago
I once heard a rumor
that goldfish have an evolutionary gene
where they’ll only develop as big as the tank they’re put into.
They need space to stretch. And I wonder if
Twin and I are keeping each other small.
Taking up the space that would have let the other grow.
Ximena Ahuactzin Floreshas quoted2 years ago
when someone who doesn’t know you is sizing you up
like you’re a broken clock and they’re trying to translate the ticks.
Drag & drop your files (not more than 5 at once)