Talisa Shannon

Talisa Shannon is a woman after God's own heart. She loves to write and share the love of God with others.She was raised in the church but did not fully learn God's love until the age of twenty three. She received her true calling after trying to end her own life. God saved her life and taught her how much He loved her. He loved her at a time when she did not love herself. She is a loving mother and wife who has overcome many experiences that is shared in her writings. The life experiences have shown her the love of God has always been there covering her. God loved her through being a teenage mother, a single mother, divorce, suicide, rape and low self-esteem. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Administration which helped her discover her passion for communicating in writing and speech to help others achieve a healthy lifestyle mentally.One Touch of Love is the mission God has given her to spread His love to others so they can live the life that He has promised them in His Word.For more information, including requesting Talisa to speak at an event, contact:healthylifestylesforwomen@gmail.com
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