
Lucy Score

  • Gracehas quotedlast month
    There’s a difference between taking care of someone because you love them and taking care of someone because you want them to love you,”
  • Ojasvihas quotedlast year
    When you love someone, when you really care about them, nothing is more important to you than seeing them happy.
  • Ojasvihas quotedlast year
    Tell me you want me. Tell me I can have you.”

    “Take me, Aiden.”
  • Ojasvihas quotedlast year
    I love when you look at me like that,” he gritted out the words.

    “Like what?”

    “Like I’m the center of your universe.”
  • Ojasvihas quotedlast year
    Don’t argue about not belonging to me. I belong to you. I’m yours. All in, remember? It goes both ways.”
  • Ojasvihas quotedlast year
    I love him so much it scares me,”
  • Ojasvihas quotedlast year
    I love him so much I can’t breathe because I feel like a piece of me is missing.”
  • María José Núñezhas quotedlast year
    I know very little about your personality.”
  • Лера Третьякhas quoted2 years ago
    “Can I get you a drink?” Rude Sex Hair was back.
    “I don’t know. Can you?” I shot back.
    “We’re fresh out of the blood of children, Satan. How about something that matches your personality?” She was saying the words nicely. Sweetly even.
    “I’ll have a—”
    “Unsweetened iced tea,” she filled in for me.
    Bitter. Boring. Bland.
    “Is this one of those places where you pay people to be assholes to you?” I asked my mother.
    “Oh, honey. I’m doing this for free.”
  • Лера Третьякhas quoted2 years ago
    If there was one thing I hated more in this life than being wrong, it was not knowing what the hell I was doing in the first place.
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