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Swami Swarupananda

  • Bakhyt Kadyrovahas quoted2 years ago
    Though I am the author thereof, know Me to be the non-doer, and changeless.
    14) Actions do not taint Me, nor have I any thirst for the result of action. He who knows Me thus is not fettered by action.
  • Bakhyt Kadyrovahas quoted2 years ago
    With the mind purified by devotion to performance of action, and the body conquered, and senses subdues, one who realizes one’s self as the self in all beings, though acting, is not tainted.
  • Bakhyt Kadyrovahas quoted2 years ago
    With my nature overpowered by weak commiseration, with a mind in confusion about duty, I supplicate You.
  • Bakhyt Kadyrovahas quoted2 years ago
    Notions of heat and cold, of pain and pleasure, are born, O son of Kunti, only of the contact of the senses with their objects. They have a beginning and an end. They are impermanent in their nature. Bear them patiently, O descendant of Bharata.
  • Bakhyt Kadyrovahas quoted2 years ago
    15) That calm man who is the same in pain and pleasure, whom these cannot disturb, alone is able, O great amongst men, to attain to immortality.
  • Bakhyt Kadyrovahas quoted2 years ago
    The unreal never is. The real never is not.
  • Bakhyt Kadyrovahas quoted2 years ago
    That by which all this is pervaded–That know for certain to be indestructible. None has the power to destroy this Immutable.
  • Bakhyt Kadyrovahas quoted2 years ago
    This is never born, nor does it die. It is not that, not having been, it again comes into being. [Or according to another view: It is not that having been, it again ceases to be.] This is unborn, eternal, changeless, ever-itself. It is not killed when the body is killed.
  • Bakhyt Kadyrovahas quoted2 years ago
    Changeless, all-pervading, unmoving, immovable, the self is eternal.
  • Bakhyt Kadyrovahas quoted2 years ago
    3) One, perchance, in thousands of men, strives for perfection; and one perchance, among the blessed ones, striving thus, knows Me in reality.
    4) Bhumi (earth, Ap (water), Anala (fire), Vayu (air), Kha (ether), intellect, and egoism: thus is My Prakriti divided eightfold.
    5) This is the lower (Prakriti). But different from it, know, O mighty-armed, My higher Prakriti–the principle of self-consciousness, by which this universe is sustained.
    6) Know that these (two Prakritis) are the womb of all beings, I am the origin and dissolution of the whole universe.
    7) Beyond Me, O Dhananjaya, there is naught. All this is strung in Me, as a row of jewels on a thread.
    8) I am the sapidity in water, O son of Kunti; I, the radiance in the moon and the sun; I am the Om in all the Vedas, sound in Akasha, and manhood in men.
    9) I am the sweet fragrance in earth, and the brilliance in fire am I; the life in all beings, and the austerity am I in ascetics.
    10) Know me, O son of Pritha, as the eternal seed of all beings. I am the intellect of the intelligent, and the heroism of the heroic.
    11) Of the strong, I am the strength devoid of desire and attachment. I am, O bull among the Bharatas, desire in beings, unopposed to dharma.
    12) And whatever states pertaining to sattwa, and those pertaining to rajas, and to tamas, know them to proceed from Me alone; still I am not in them, but they are in Me.
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