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Hermann Hesse

  • Debzhas quoted2 years ago
    to be­come empty, empty of thirst, empty of wish­ing, empty of dreams, empty of joy and sor­row.
  • Debzhas quoted2 years ago
    But though the ways led away from the self, their end nev­er­the­less al­ways led back to the self.
  • Debzhas quoted2 years ago
    circle is a spiral, we have already as­cen­ded many a level.”
  • Debzhas quoted2 years ago
    just one know­ledge, this is every­where, this is At­man, this is within me and within you and within every creature. And so I’m start­ing to be­lieve that this know­ledge has no worser en­emy than the de­sire to know it, than learn­ing.”
  • Jezza Gearhas quotedlast year
    Much he learned from her red, smart mouth. Much he learned from her tender, supple hand. Him, who was, re­gard­ing love, still a boy and had a tend­ency to plunge blindly and in­sa­ti­ably into lust like into a bot­tom­less pit, him she taught, thor­oughly start­ing with the ba­sics, about that school of thought which teaches that pleas­ure can­not be taken without giv­ing pleas­ure, and that every ges­ture, every caress, every touch, every look, every spot of the body, how­ever small it was, had its secret, which would bring hap­pi­ness to those who know about it and un­leash it. She taught him that lov­ers must not part from one an­other after cel­eb­rat­ing love, without one ad­mir­ing the other, without be­ing just as de­feated as they have been vic­tori­ous, so that with none of them should start feel­ing fed up or bored and get that evil feel­ing of hav­ing ab­used or hav­ing been ab­used.
  • stenickishas quoted2 years ago
    Quoth Govinda: “Our old­est one might be about sixty years of age.”

    And Siddhartha: “He has lived for sixty years and has not reached the nir­vana. He’ll turn sev­enty and eighty, and you and me, we will grow just as old and will do our ex­er­cises, and will fast, and will med­it­ate. But we will not reach the nir­vana, he won’t and we won’t. O Govinda, I be­lieve out of all the Samanas out there, per­haps not a single one, not a single one, will reach the nir­vana. We find com­fort, we find numb­ness, we learn feats, to de­ceive oth­ers. But the most im­port­ant thing, the path of paths, we will not find.”
  • stenickishas quoted2 years ago
    But Siddhartha said in a voice which con­tained just as much sad­ness as mock­ery, with a quiet, a slightly sad, a slightly mock­ing voice: “Soon, Govinda, your friend will leave the path of the Samanas, he has walked along your side for so long. I’m suf­fer­ing of thirst, O Govinda, and on this long path of a Samana, my thirst has re­mained as strong as ever. I al­ways thirsted for know­ledge, I have al­ways been full of ques­tions. I have asked the Brah­mins, year after year, and I have asked the holy Ve­das, year after year, and I have asked the de­voted Samanas, year after year. Per­haps, O Govinda, it had been just as well, had been just as smart and just as prof­it­able, if I had asked the horn­bill-bird or the chim­pan­zee. It took me a long time and am not fin­ished learn­ing this yet, O Govinda: that there is noth­ing to be learned! There is in­deed no such thing, so I be­lieve, as what we refer to as ‘learn­ing.’ There is, O my friend, just one know­ledge, this is every­where, this is At­man, this is within me and within you and within every creature. And so I’m start­ing to be­lieve that this know­ledge has no worser en­emy than the de­sire to know it, than learn­ing.”
  • stenickishas quoted2 years ago
    is why I am con­tinu­ing my travels—not to seek other, bet­ter teach­ings, for I know there are none, but to de­part from all teach­ings and all teach­ers and to reach my goal by my­self or to die. But of­ten, I’ll think of this day, O ex­al­ted one, and of this hour,
  • stenickishas quoted2 years ago
  • Dhruv Sikrihas quotedlast year
    For how long had he not heard this voice any more, for how long had he reached no height any more, how even and dull was the man­ner in which his path had passed through life, for many long years, without a high goal, without thirst, without el­ev­a­tion, con­tent with small lust­ful pleas­ures and yet never sat­is­fied!
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