LHA Inspirational Press

  • b0436468305has quoted2 years ago
    You may not be able to control the source of your stress, but you can control how you react to it, and how you allow it to affect you. Become aware of your thoughts, feelings, and how your body reacts when you are stressed.
  • b0436468305has quoted2 years ago
    Whenever you notice a thought that is not serving you, immediately come up with a positive thought to replace it with
  • b0436468305has quoted2 years ago
    Thinking negative thoughts about a situation, negative thoughts about other people, or even negative thoughts about yourself is contributing to your stress level
  • b0436468305has quoted2 years ago
    No one else has control over your thoughts, not your boss, your spouse, your child, or anyone else
  • b0436468305has quoted2 years ago
    "What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life."
  • banalrose2287has quotedlast year
    Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes.”
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