
Elena Ferrante

  • finalfadeouthas quoted3 days ago
    Is it possible that our parents never die, that every child inevitably conceals them in himself? Would my mother truly emerge from me, with her limping gait, as my destiny?
  • finalfadeouthas quoted1 hour ago
    Lila was like that? She didn’t have my stubborn diligence? She drew out of herself thoughts, shoes, words written and spoken, complicated plans, rages and inventions, only to show me something of herself? Having lost that motivation, she was lost? Even the treatment to which she had subjected her wedding photograph—even that she would never be able to repeat? Everything, in her, was the result of the chaos of an occasion?
  • finalfadeouthas quoted36 minutes ago
    Lila, seeing him so upset, listening to him—and recalling the composure he had always shown when they were engaged—had burst out laughing, and Stefano had gone for a drive, so as not to murder her.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    She took a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard (now I don’t remember what, I didn’t yet know how to read: so I’m inventing the word) “sun.” Then she asked Lila:

    “Cerullo, what is written there?”
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    In the classroom a fascinated silence fell.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    Nunzia shook her head no emphatically.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    Cerullo, that small dark-haired, dark-eyed child, in a dark smock with a red ribbon at the neck, and only six years old, answered, “Me.”
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    According to Rino, Lila’s older brother, she had learned to read at the age of around three by looking at the letters and pictures in his primer.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    Her body repulsed me, something she probably intuited. She was a dark blonde, blue-eyed, voluptuous.
  • Menna Abu Zahrahas quoted2 years ago
    Certainly she wasn’t happy; the household chores wore her down, and there was never enough money.
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