
E.M. Cioran

  • Subhash Annapragadahas quotedlast year
    Life is possible only by the deficiencies of our imagination and our memory.
  • Subhash Annapragadahas quotedlast year
    No one could survive the instantaneous comprehension of universal grief, each heart being stirred only for a certain quantity of sufferings
  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    “If a man loves nothing, he will be invulnerable” (Chuang Tse)
  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    We can never ponder enough Kirilov’s description of Stavrogin: “When he believes, he doesn’t believe he believes; and when he doesn’t believe, he doesn’t believe he doesn’t believe.”
  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    The only minds which seduce us are the minds which have destroyed themselves trying to give their lives a meaning.
  • Liamhas quoted2 years ago
    However grave its consequences may have been, the rejection of Christianity remains the Jews’ finest exploit, a no which does them honor.
  • Agustinahas quoted2 years ago
    Tyranny destroys or strengthens the individual; freedom enervates him, until he becomes no more than a puppet, Man has more chances of saving himself by hell than by paradise.
  • Agustinahas quoted2 years ago
    One does not inhabit a country; one inhabits a language. That is our country, our fatherland — and no other.
  • Agustinahas quoted2 years ago
    “God has created nothing more odious to Himself than this world, and from the day He created it. He has not glanced at it again, so much does He loathe it.” The Moslem mystic who wrote that, I don’t know who it was, I shall never know this friend’s name.
  • Agustinahas quoted2 years ago
    Each time the future seems conceivable to me, I have the impression of having been visited by Grace.
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