bookmate game

Alice Oseman

  • pedrito Pinedahas quoted2 years ago
    Sometimes I hate people. This is probably very bad for my mental health.
  • Sin Nombrehas quoted2 years ago
    Tori,” says Becky, “you look a little bit like you want to kill yourself.

    Me atm

  • Sin Nombrehas quoted2 years ago
    Gray is the theme, which is fitting for such a dull place.

    My school wears black

  • danahas quotedlast year
    Sometimes I hate people. This is probably very bad for my mental health.
  • danahas quotedlast year
    Sometimes I like to fill my days with little things that other people don’t care about. It makes me feel like I’m doing something important, mainly because no one else is doing it.
  • danahas quotedlast year
    I can’t think of anything to say because that is what my answer would be, really. Nothing. I am a vacuum. I am void. I am nothing.
  • danahas quotedlast year
    I hate the phone. It is the worst invention in the history of the world, because if you don’t talk, nothing happens.
  • danahas quotedlast year
    I hate the phone. It is the worst invention in the history of the world, because if you don’t talk, nothing happens. You can’t get by with simply listening and nodding your head in all the right places. You have to talk. You have no option. It takes away my freedom of nonspeech.
  • danahas quotedlast year
    I actually think that a lot of people are very beautiful, and maybe even more beautiful when they are not aware of it themselves.
  • danahas quotedlast year
    “There’s a time and a place for being normal. For most people, normal is a default. But for some, like you and me, normal is something we have to bring out, like putting on a suit for a posh dinner.”
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