Daniela Alibrandi

The author Daniela Alibrandi was born in Rome, Italy, while she has lived a period of her adolescence in the United States of America, where she studied in the St. Francis School of Manchester, New Hampshire. Returned to Italy, she ended the classical studies. Her professional life dealt with Cultural Exchanges and International Affairs, within the Council of Europe and the European Union.In the private life, she is married and has two children. Always prone to the writing she took part in various literary contests. In 2010 she won the national literary contest The Flight of Pègaso with the novel "The Bitter Companion". With the short story "Her Light Steps", in January 2011, she reached as finalist the literary contest The Memory. In December 2010 she published the Italian edition "Nessun segno sulla neve", now available in the English edition "No Steps On the Snow", a psychological thriller of great emotional impact. This book, soon reaching its first reissue, was inserted in the publishing necklaces Over the City and Innocent Murders. It has been selected by the Rome Town hall for a literary event in the Roman Summer 2012 . On july 5th 2013 the book has won the national literary award Circe, and presented at the most important Italian Bookfair Piùlibripiùliberi. "No Steps On The Snow" is now in catalogue at the Italian & European Bookshop in London.In December 2011 Daniela won the national literary award The City and the Sea, with the short novel "The Last Home" awarding a publishing contract with Apollo Edizioni, that published, in June 2012, her book "Rachel's Child", successfully presented to the Calabrian Book Fair in Lamezia Terme. In November 2012 her thriller "A Shadow on Merrimack River" was among the winners of the international award National Writing Month 2012. It has been published and translated in the English edition "A Shadow on Merrimack River". In its Italian edition it has been for a long time an Amazon.it best seller. In 2014 she won other two national literary awards "Mani in Volo" and "Memorial Miriam Sermoneta". With the thriller "La Fontana delle Rane" she won the national literary award Perseide 2014. The author has a great literary productiion. Also her short stories have been published in several antologies and magazines and are now collected in the issue "I Doni della Mente" translated in the English edition "Echoes Of The Soul", published in december 2015.
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