
Louisa May Alcott

  • candeehas quoted10 months ago
    with a shy man­ner, a timid voice, and a peace­ful ex­pres­sion, which was sel­dom dis­turbed.
  • Tazz Tasneemhas quotedlast year
    I hate to think I’ve got to grow up, and be Miss March, and wear long gowns, and look as prim as a China-aster! It’s bad enough to be a girl, any­way,
  • smnvhas quotedlast year
    Tell them I think of them by day, pray for them by night, and find my best com­fort in their af­fec­tion at all times.
  • adeela masoodhas quotedlast year
    “I don’t think it’s fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls noth­ing at all,”
  • id69410089has quotedlast year
    “I de­test rude, un­la­dy­like girls!”

    Я ненавижу грубых неженственных девочек

  • id69410089has quotedlast year
    you are al­to­gether too par­tic­u­lar and prim

    Сразу и особенная и заносчивая

  • id69410089has quotedlast year
    which were very much in her way
  • Zakirah Larrhhas quotedlast year
    “It was an abom­inable thing, and she don’t de­serve to be for­given.”
  • Zakirah Larrhhas quotedlast year
    “My dear, don’t let the sun go down upon your anger; for­give each other, help each other, and be­gin again to­mor­row.”
  • Zakirah Larrhhas quotedlast year
    Mother, if she should die, it would be my fault
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