Barbara Meiklejohn-Free


dariadiahas quoted10 months ago
Cauldron reveals… You are on the wrong path. Look to see what truly fuels your passion. Don’t worry about letting anyone else down. Take steps towards following your life’s purpose.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Broomstick reveals… Time for space clearing. Sweep away any stale old energy or old items that you’ve been hanging on to so you can usher in new energies. Yes, it’s time for a spring clean.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Runes reveals… You are being called to work with the runes. Your life purpose is to write. Learn a new language. You are a natural communicator. Write that important letter. Spend time in nature connecting with the spirit of trees. Visit an historic site with Viking connections such as Maeshowe on Orkney, Scotland, or the city of York (Jorvik) in England. You have a past life connection with the Norse or Anglo Saxon way.
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