Barbara Meiklejohn-Free


dariadiahas quoted9 months ago
Cauldron reveals… You are on the wrong path. Look to see what truly fuels your passion. Don’t worry about letting anyone else down. Take steps towards following your life’s purpose.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Palm reveals… Visit a palmist. Learn how to understand palm reading. Take care of your hands by moisturising and manicures. Learn sign language to help the deaf communicate. Take up a creative art such as knitting, painting, or crotchet. Give generously.
dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
Dreams reveals… Give your body optimum rest. Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime. Pay attention to your dreams. Keep a dream journal. Ask the angels to protect you before you fall asleep. Ask for messages and visions to come to you in the dreamtime.
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