bookmate game

Barbara Meiklejohn-Free

  • dariadiahas quoted9 months ago
    Cauldron reveals… You are on the wrong path. Look to see what truly fuels your passion. Don’t worry about letting anyone else down. Take steps towards following your life’s purpose.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Crystal Ball reveals… Be clear about your intentions. Work on expanding your third eye, in order to receive messages in the form of visions from Spirit. You need to be fully aware of a situation before making decisions. Communicate clearly to others in order to avoid misunderstandings.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Wishing Well reveals… Make a list of all that you wish to bring into your life. Focus on the good, rather than fears and worries. Cleanse your energy field. Drink more water. Eat water-based foods such as fruit and salad.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Numbers reveals… Return to studying. You are being helped from above with tests and exams. Do brain exercises to keep you alert. Make a list of all your blessings. Say gratitude prayers for all the good that is in your life.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Moon reveals… You have past life knowledge of how to work with the Moon and its cycles. Join a Moon worship group. Make an altar dedicated to each Moon phase. Become aware of your own cycles and rhythms. You may be experiencing female gynaecological bodily changes. Go with the flow. Only do what feels naturally comfortable for you and recharge your batteries.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Tea Leaves reveals… Learn the ancient art of reading tea leaves. Investigate your ancestry to discover your gypsy blood. Make welcome that person you have avoided recently. Avoid drinking caffeine and switch to fruit or herbal teas.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Lightning reveals… You will be receiving an idea that must not be ignored. The right pathway for you will be beckoning. Be the light and allow your soul to shine. An unexpected situation will arise – be ready to embrace it. See the good in all things and you shall receive abundantly.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Earth reveals… Healing is important for you right now. Take time out to rest and nurture yourself. Remember to stay grounded. You are being called to be environmentally aware. Join an environmental group. Recycle and respect the natural world. Connect with and discover the healing benefits of the elemental kingdom.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Salmon reveals… You have been struggling lately. If something doesn’t feel right then trust your intuition. Stop and take stock of where your life is heading. Follow the direction that feels right for you. Take time out to pray and meditate. Rise above any problems and see the bigger picture.
  • dariadiahas quoted2 years ago
    Wishbone reveals… You have been wishing too hard for something. Relax and allow the universe to deliver. Use daily affirmations to bring about good fortune. Say prayers and wishes for yourself and others. Think of yourself in positive ways.
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