
Trevor Noah

  • Елизавета Петроваhas quoted2 years ago
    Interviews will give you facts and information, but facts and information weren’t really what I was after. What I wanted was a relationship, and an interview is not a relationship. Relationships are built in the silences
  • Елизавета Петроваhas quoted2 years ago
    People are willing to accept you if they see you as an outsider trying to assimilate into their world. But when they see you as a fellow tribe member attempting to disavow the tribe, that is something they will never forgive
  • Елизавета Петроваhas quoted2 years ago
    People love to say, “Give a man a fish, and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime.” What they don’t say is, “And it would be nice if you gave him a fishing rod.” That’s the part of the analogy that’s missing.
  • Елизавета Петроваhas quoted2 years ago
    For us, the ultimate upgrade was to throw on a slice of cheese. Cheese was always the thing because it was so expensive. Forget the gold standard—the hood operated on the cheese standard.
  • Елизавета Петроваhas quoted2 years ago
    that’s the problem with the world. We have people who cannot police themselves, so they want to police everyone else around them.”
  • Елизавета Петроваhas quoted2 years ago
    People say all the time that they’d do anything for the people they love. But would you really? Would you do anything? Would you give everything? I don’t know that a child knows that kind of selfless love. A mother, yes. A mother will clutch her children and jump from a moving car to keep them from harm. She will do it without thinking. But I don’t think the child knows how to do that, not instinctively. It’s something the child has to learn.
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