
William Somerset Maugham

  • iliasmshas quoted25 days ago
    was a man of great size, two or three inches more than six feet high; but the most noticeable thing about him was a vast obesity. His paunch was of imposing dimensions. His face was large and fleshy
  • iliasmshas quoted24 days ago
    are the most matter-of-fact creature I have ever come across.'
  • iliasmshas quoted24 days ago
    I've never seen anyone with such a capacity for wretchedness as that man has. I don't think you can conceive how desperately he might suffer. Be very careful
  • iliasmshas quoted24 days ago
    'I cannot imagine that, however much I lived in Eastern countries, I could believe anything that had the whole weight of science against it. If there were a word of truth in anything Haddo says, we should be unable to form any reasonable theory of the universe.'
  • iliasmshas quoted24 days ago
    Silly ass!' answered Arthur with emphasis.
  • iliasmshas quoted24 days ago
    a plain, practical man,
  • iliasmshas quoted10 days ago
    might easily have got his blue
  • iliasmshas quoted4 days ago
    recommend you to avoid him like the plague. He can be no one's friend. As an acquaintance he is treacherous and insincere; as an enemy, I can well imagine that he would be as merciless as he is unscrupulous.
  • iliasmshas quotedyesterday
    'We should look for knowledge where we may expect to find it, and why should a man be despised who goes in search of it? Those who remain at home may grow richer and live more comfortably than those who wander; but I desire neither to live comfortably nor to grow rich.'
  • elf1001has quoted2 years ago
    I had not yet learnt how contradictory is human nature; I did not know how much pose there is in the sincere, how much baseness in the noble, nor how much goodness in the reprobate.
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