
Ann Liang

  • Dayahas quoted2 years ago
    “Everything’s a form of power,”
  • Dayahas quoted2 years ago
    Mama always says there are no ugly women, only lazy women—but from what I’ve gathered, it’s more like there are no ugly women, only broke women

    Points were made

  • Dayahas quoted2 years ago
    I would rather spend the rest of this train ride fighting with him than let him be trapped alone with his thoughts and fears again
  • Dayahas quoted2 years ago
    Henry, whose head is resting against my shoulder, the soft curls of his hair brushing my cheek, his features smooth and unguarded in sleep. And everything about this moment is so lovely and so fragile in its loveliness that I’m almost afraid to hold it. Afraid that the spell will break.
  • Dayahas quoted2 years ago
    To live well, you must learn to see yourself first.
  • .has quotedlast year
    Never seen anyone as jumpy as you, she’d said. Must’ve been a mouse in your past life.
  • 📕🖋⚜🐍has quoted8 months ago
    ... I don’t know. I guess grades are the only thing I have power over. The only thing I have.”
  • 📕🖋⚜🐍has quoted8 months ago
    and last shot at the American Dream over, the chapter unceremoniously closed. But I never stopped thinking about the sacrifices my parents made, the pleading look on Mama’s face when she said it, almost like a child—I want to go home—and how the only reason they left home in the first place was because of me.

    Even now
  • 📕🖋⚜🐍has quoted8 months ago
    My parents didn’t work this hard for me to only get this far
  • 📕🖋⚜🐍has quoted8 months ago
    “You tend to stop being so scared when you’re angry,” he explains.

    Confusion bubbles inside me. “How—how do you know that?”

    “I notice,” he says simply.
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