Claire Crompton

Claire Crompton has worked in the knitting industry for almost 20 years. After a Knitwear Design degree she became a pattern designer for major yarn manufacturers such as Sirdar and DMC. This is the sixth book in The Knitter's Bible project series, following Knitted Bags and Knitted Accessories.


Jen602has quoted5 months ago
Prepare for work (see page 98). Mark the centre of the fabric and centre of the chart on page 26. Use an embroidery frame if you wish.
2 Start stitching from the centre of the chart and fabric, using two strands of stranded cotton (floss) for cross stitch, French knots and backstitch writing and one strand for backstitch outlines. Once stitching is complete, make up as a patch as in step 3 of the make-up bag on page 12.
3 Make a buddy as follows. Using tracing paper, draw around the pattern on page 103 and mark the face details. Cut out the pattern piece. Place the two pieces of felt together and pin the pattern on top. Cut the felt around the pattern and then remove the pins.
4 Place the pattern on to one felt piece and use four strands of black stranded cotton to sew the face details through the tracing paper. Sew on the button for a nose and then remove the pattern by carefully tearing around the stitches and button.
5 Place the embroidered patch on to the front piece of felt, centrally, with the top edge in line with the top of the arms. Pin and tack (baste) in place and then sew around all four sides. With wrong sides facing, place the two felt pieces together, matching edges carefully and pin and tack (baste) in place. Using a 6mm (¼in) seam, stitch around the edge of the felt pieces, leaving a 5cm (2in) gap along the straight edge at one side. Remove tacking and stuff the buddy, pushing the stuffing into the arms
Jen602has quoted5 months ago
legs and ears. Sew the open edge closed to finish.
Jen602has quoted5 months ago
Prepare for work (see page 98). Mark the centre of the fabric and chart on page 36. Use an embroidery frame if you wish.
2 Start stitching from the centre of the chart and fabric, using two strands of stranded cotton (floss) for full and three-quarter cross stitch and one strand for backstitch. Using matching thread, attach


Jen602shared an impression4 months ago
👍Worth reading

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