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  • Anthony Kummerfeldthas quotedlast year
    “Well, if it is your feeling that a fine set of encyclopedias is not right for you at this time, perhaps you could help me by giving me the names of some others who might wish to take advantage of our company’s great offer. What would be the names of some of these people you know?”
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    They simply will not die. Resisting all attempts to eliminate or suppress them, such hazing practices have been phenomenally resilient. Authorities, in the form of colonial governments or university administrations, have tried threats, social pressures, legal actions, banishments, bribes, and bans to persuade the groups to remove the hazards and humiliations from their initiation ceremonies. None has been successful. Oh, there may be a change while the authority is watching closely
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    Resigning themselves to the inevitable, other college representatives have given up on the possibility of abolishing the degradations of Hell Week. “If hazing is a universal human activity, and every bit of evidence points to this conclusion, you most likely won’t be able to ban it effectively. Refuse to allow it openly and it will go underground. You can’t ban sex, you can’t prohibit alcohol, and you probably can’t eliminate hazing
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    What is it about hazing practices that make them so precious to these societies? What could make the groups want to evade, undermine, or contest any effort to ban the degrading and perilous features of their initiation rites
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    There must be some function to its harshness that the group will fight relentlessly to maintain. What
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    A pair of young researchers, Elliot Aronson and Judson Mills, decided to test their observation that “persons who go through a great deal of trouble or pain to attain something tend to value it more highly than persons who attain the same thing with a minimum of effort.” The real stroke of inspiration came in their choice of the initiation ceremony as the best place to examine this possibility. They found that college women who had to endure a severely embarrassing initiation ceremony in order to gain access to a sex discussion group convinced themselves that their new group and its discussions were extremely valuable
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    even though Aronson and Mills had previously rehearsed the other group members to be as “
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    worthless and uninteresting” as possible
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    Now the harassments, the exertions, even the beatings of initiation rituals begin to make sense
  • zanyar baezhas quoted2 years ago
    one study of fifty-four tribal cultures found that those with the most dramatic
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