bookmate game

Caroline Taggart

  • Bagul Bazarovahas quoted2 years ago
    ‘80 per cent of married men cheat in America…’
    The rest cheat in Europe.
  • Валентина Барашеваhas quoted2 years ago
    Pictures or meat are hung; criminals used to be hanged.
  • Alinehas quotedlast year
    That blue dress really complements your eyes. That remark is, of course, a compliment, which That red dress really complements your eyes probably isnt.
  • Таксьhas quoted2 years ago
    put a mental bracket around ‘my husband and’. You wouldn’t dream of saying, ‘Thank you for inviting I’, would you? So you shouldn’t say, ‘Thank you for inviting my husband and I’ either
  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted8 months ago
    1762, an Oxford professor called Robert Lowth produced a prescriptive text titled A Short Introduction to English Grammar, a publication so influential that it dominated grammar teaching into the twentieth century
  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted8 months ago
    In these commonly confused noun/verb pairs, the noun has a c and the verb has an s.†7












  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted8 months ago
    Webster was an orderly-minded man who disapproved of a lot of the spelling that Johnson had recorded (indeed, he disapproved of a lot about Johnson, saying that he was ‘naturally indolent and seldom wrote until he was urged by want. Hence… he was compelled to prepare his manuscripts in haste.’).

    Webster’s dislike of words that weren’t pronounced the way they looked led him to decree that words such as centre and theatre should be spelled center and theater; he also dropped the silent u from words such as colour, favour and honour. In fact, Webster was single-handedly responsible for most of the differences between British and American spelling that survive to this day.
  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted8 months ago
    To abuse something means to treat it so badly that you damage it.

    To misuse something means to use it wrongly.

    To disabuse someone of something means to show them that their thinking is wrong.
  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted8 months ago
    Something looks like something else – they physically resemble one another.

    He looks like his mother and she looks like Margaret Thatcher.


    It looks as if a storm is coming.
  • Alexandra Skitiovahas quoted8 months ago
    May I compliment you on your new hairstyle? The colour complements your dress beautifully.
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