Scott Campbell


Warning! This is a Best Seller Summary and Analysis of Too Much and Never Enough by Mary L. Trump. It is not the original book, and not a replacement.
Use this Summary book to:
#1 Decide if the original book is for you. Hint: it is!
#2 Get chapter-by-chapter main points and takeaways.
#3 Gain a better understanding,
#4 Learn what you must know in 15-60 minutes.
#5 Refresh your memory of the parent book.
#6 Enjoy fresh editorial comments
Whether you are for Trump or against him, Too Much and Never Enough by Mary L.Trump dumps an entire load of skeletons from Trump closets at your feet for perusal. Mary claims Trump is an unlovable, bullying, cruel, crass, racist, sociopathic fraud with delusions of grandeur.
In one section, Mary recalls witnessing her father pointing a rifle at their mother's head and other childhood memories. In another, she becomes a sophisticated political analyst ripping apart Trump, reminiscent of a Democrat New York Times columnist.
Mary poses as a COVID-19 expert, blaming everything negative on Trump's adverse childhood that made him so cruel and uncaring. She regurgitates verbatim the standard Leftist diatribes crafted to scapegoat Trump when there is substantial evidence that the Democrats colluded with the Chinese to make the pandemic happen and spread it.
Could Mary be out for revenge and the money she lost from her inheritance? Is she wittingly being used by the Left to attack Trump and paid handsomely through book royalties?
In any case, the information presented is shocking and unforgettable, like when Donald has a bowl of mashed potatoes dumped on his head at age 12 for teasing his younger brother, Robert.
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